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Online consultations with doctor in «medicine» clinic - Статьи. Справочник организаций -

Online consultations with doctor in «medicine» clinic

Medicina Roytberg’s Clinic JSC gives online consultations

«Medicine» medical care center gives online consultations. This is a safe and alternative option of traditional meeting with doctor. Clinic provides patients with a possibility to have a talk with a specialist of any sphere. During online medical session, it is possible to speak with pediatrician, therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, and other doctors.

This service is available for adults and children via iBolit platform. You can tell doctor about your disease symptoms, results of the performed examinations, as well as to send the files and analyses to obtain more detailed information.

In terms of telemedical technology, a special service called “Second Option” is created. It will be useful for people, who want to clarify diagnosis, received in another medical clinic. The doctor will study the anamnesis, analyze the current treatment course, and give personalized advice.

One should not consider the doctor’s recommendations as a final diagnosis. The given information has a prophylactic nature. The exact diagnosis you can get after personal inspection by the doctor.

In order to have a remote consultation, use personal dashboard or a mobile application. Find out more about further contacts with a specialist on the clinic website.


Медицина > Здоровье > Красота | Больницы

Дата публикации:

2020-08-06 11:56:39


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