Планета Стерео, сеть магазинов
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If he often asks on hands, means in its early detkstvo did not inform on hands.Try to kompensirokvat this gap of education.Hold the child at yourself on a lap more often, together play, read, draw.As soon as the kid is sated with your attention, he otpukstit you and will become more independent.And, if to ignore this problem, the child will feel left, unloved and devoted.All this will negatively influence on its further razkvity and life in general.As Egorka went to walk Tatyana Holkina Egorka with mother went outside. At first ask the child to simulate a voice of an adult animal loud and rough, and then a cub silent and gentle.Adult: The cow calls a calf: Child: MUMUMU, Adult: The calf answers: Child: mumumu.Adult: The goat calls a kid: Child: MEMEME.Adult: he answers: Child: mememe.Adult: The ram calls a lamb: Child: BEBEBE, Adult: and he answers: Child: bebebe.Adult: The cat calls a kitten: Child: MYAUMYAUMYAU, Adult: and he answers: Child: meowmeowmeow.Adult: The dog calls a puppy: Child: AFAFAF, Adult: and he answers: Child: afafaf. Love found by us in infancy it example of that feeling which would have to reign in an ideal in the world of adults, feelings, by the most nature of the capable to inspire on the victim, on dedication of one I to another, one personality on service to another.Under the influence of the the deepest love all parents refuse from sobstven ache life to devote it to children.And such devotion it is natural to them.It brings them joy and not vospr it nimatsya as the victim.Anybody will never tell: Look on this unfortunate, it has two children! Mother stamps.Mother swings the head.When such commenting does not cause in the kid of difficulties, suggest it to sound that he does.Offers should not be too long, they should be said, without hurrying, together: I go on the room.I approach a table.I take the handle from a table.I knock the handle on a table.It is important that the child commented on this or that action in its process.Exercise can be changed: let the child will try to tell about the actions in past tense. Red bars Material: red wooden bars.The shortest bar has length of cm.Each following bar is longer previous on cm.The longest bar meter long.All bars , cm wide and height.Direct purpose: formation of the concepts the long short.Indirect purpose: development of a motility, coordination of movements, formation of serial structures, preparation for work with the numerical bars.Age: about three years.How to work with material. By means of exercises in silence it is possible to create absolutely special atmosphere.The teacher has to use the increasing ability to perception at children: to offer them the story, examining of pictures, the song, a prayer.The exercises concerning social life These exercises can promote development by the child of variety of forms of behavior in society.They have to to be carried out as group exercises because types of social behavior can be acquired and realized only in games, joint with others. There is some kind of awakening potential spo I obnost.The management huge creative will be their task work which the child should do, to it spiritually mu to an embryo.And as the nature notes obvious fi shchesky signs each important change in development loonies ki the kid, we see, how an umbilical cord, by means of which re IICIIOK was attached to mother, disappears in some days after the birth.This first phase is extraordinary important, because in Time of this phase occurs preparation of mysterious forces.
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